
A great winner gets the prize and earns the respect.

Recognize your value. Find your strategy. Achieve what YOU want.

Grow your

(for managers, experts and entrepreneurs)

You negotiate for yourself

Grow your

(for business people)

Your team negotiates on your behalf.

Grow your

(for decision makers)

I negotiate for you.

Lead with your

(for leaders)

You lead.

Is this familiar to you?

I want to inspire my team and lead it to success.

I want to make a difference in my organization.

I want to excite my audience and win it over for my ideas.

I am uncomfortable with money matters and negotiations.

If I make my point, there is always conflict.

My negotiation team does not deliver what I expect.

This was yesterday!

Become a great winner now

About me

I have always been outraged by injustice! That’s why I decided to study law. However, I realized very quickly that the person who seeks justice in the courtroom has already lost: time, money and opportunities.

So, I have developed a method that does not let you lose. The great winner influences his/her chances, always has a good strategy and achieves his/her goals.

Find out more about me

Negotiation for business and management. Coaching and advisory services in Vienna.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager or a leader, you set an example to others and your leadership skills are taken for granted. Your ability to create a stimulating environment, in which employees are motivated to work with you and your company, defines the quality of your leadership. If you care about growth, you need a solid and sustained co-operation with your partners and clients. For this, communication is not enough; unproductive conversations waste precious time. Only strategy, negotiation skill, persuasiveness and targeted, effective communication will yield success.

Coaching and advisory services in Vienna.

GROWMIND supports you on your way to success. In tailor-made coaching and advisory processes, you are given the right tools that you need as a leader and negotiator. This helps you save time, money and personal energy that you can invest better in other projects and areas of life.