

Leadership knows no shutdown: How to lead remote teams efficiently.

From one day to the next, CoVid19 presented lots of managers with a new challenge: managing their team remotely. The task was to keep business going as best possible using only telephone and digital media. Right when people started working from home, my coaching clients asked me many new questions about remote management: “As a…
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Management task: Put your employees’ short-time work to good use.

As of today, 1 April 2020, many employees will be on short time as a result of the crisis – in all manner of sectors, from trade businesses to airlines. If you are a manager or entrepreneur, you will be asking yourself the following questions: “What kind of work can I give employees on short…
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Renegotiating contracts in times of crisis: 3 steps to long-term success

Corona and the related shutdown of many sectors of the economy present entrepreneurs with new challenges: What to do if a supplier is no longer able to deliver? What to do if a customer is no longer able to pay the bill? What to do if a tenant of business premises does not pay the…
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Negotiating under high pressure: 5 steps to keeping the critical situation under control.

If the economy or a particular industry suddenly spins into a crisis as the result of an external factor, business partners often find themselves thrown into a situation overnight where they are subject to pressure from several directions. A supplier to the pharmaceutical industry increases the price of a crucial raw material for high-demand medicines…
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