

Can LEADERSHIP be learned?

What can be learned – What is in leadership DNA – How can you change from being a rough diamond into a brilliant leader? My colleague is convinced that “You can’t simply learn leadership – it’s a talent. It’s just as innate as is common senseˮ. Master’s degrees, courses, seminars that promise the participants that…
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Growing in spite of – or specifically because of – uncertainty

“Ms. Ionescu, I like your concept, I like you, but … you really ought to change your company name. Using a word like “Growˮ in this time, when facts clearly show that our economy is already being driven into a very deep trough, awakens false expectations. How can people and businesses grow when all ways…
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5 basic rules for successful leadership in small steps.

Micromanagement – yes, but in the right way. 5 basic rules for successful leadership in small steps.

To lead or not to lead – that is the question “The project ended in disaster! Now I’m working on improving the mistakes made in the last months and getting the motivation of those involved back on track. I don’t understand what the problem was because we hired the best minds and the start was…
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(Micro)management – it’s the dose alone that makes the poison

“I make sure that the tasks get done. How do I do that? I give precise instructions and check carefully so that no mistakes are made. But then mistakes do happen and I don’t understand that.ˮ “When I let my team work independently on the last project, there were problems with clients and since then…
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Power in negotiations with large organizations: Are we negotiating differently during the current pandemic?

Many of my clients are already feeling the fact that the current crisis is hitting us in an “undemocraticˮ way. The larger and more strategically positioned an organization is, the more power it has in negotiations. Why is that the case? Because crises and uncertainty make large organizations look more attractive – and thus more…
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Negotiating and leading through the pandemic

When failure is not an option: Negotiating and leading through the pandemic – as an entrepreneur

When the whole country went into lockdown, a family father set out to meet his client, whom he had been servicing successfully for 5 years. Armed with a negative Covid test result and a glimmer of hope, he drove the 1,200 km route across the border into the neighboring country. His companions were major worries…
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Why Growminders have a head start on the job and in life

Braving uncertainty at work: Why Growminders have a head start – on the job and in life

‘This morning, the decision was finally made: The two units will merge. This means only one of 2 units will continue to operate, some employees will lose their jobs and … we will all have to apply for the jobs that remain.’ Does that sound familiar? It does to me; I have heard this kind…
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3 frequent mistakes people make when negotiating their salary in a job interview.

Hooray! The new job you applied for is as good as yours!! At the end of the recruitment process, you were chosen over all the other candidates. What could be better now than sitting back and celebrating? But hang on a minute: Better wait to celebrate until after you have checked all the boxes on…
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Leading in Times of Crisis

‘Hands-on’ management: leading with professional competence – in a crisis and always

Many things that we knew or we thought we knew about management, turned irrelevant from one day to the next, following the Covid-19 crisis. The most popular theories, the success stories, the experience of the last decades partially lost their importance because the current situation is completely new and unique. It forces us to explore…
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7 personal qualities of good managers in times of crisis

,Hands-on’ Leadership Style – 7 personal qualities of good managers in times of crisis

Many things that we have read in management books and have listened to during leadership-trainings, became obsolete through the Covid19 crisis. Most of the widely known management theories and leadership styles lost part of their relevance because the current situation is new and unique. The current environment forces managers and entrepreneurs to improve their own…
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